Woodworking 1, Chapter 2 fillable

Woodworking 1, Chapter 2 fillable

2.1 The folding rule
What can you do with a ruler?
You can measure sizes with a ruler. Together with a pencil you can write measurements on wood.
What does a ruler look like?
The ruler resembles a long ruler that you can fold. When unfolded, a folding rule is exactly 1 meter long. It shows centimeters (cm) and millimeters (mm). A folding rule can be made of wood, metal or plastic.
How do you use the ruler?
Always use the same yardstick when making a workpiece. You will then prevent dimensional deviations.
What does a tape measure look like?
A tape measure is usually 3 meters long. It has a handy hook at the end.
How do you use a tape measure?
If you are going to measure a slat, pull the measuring tape a bit out of the case of the tape measure. You clamp the extendable hook over the slat. Or you put the hook against the slat. See the pictures above. Then pull the tape measure out of the closet just enough to read the size. Due to a spring, the measuring tape rolls up again automatically when you let go of it.
How long is a tape measure usually?
Circle the correct answer.
  • 1 meter.
  • 3 meters.
  • 9 meters.
Circle the correct answer.
If you are going to measure a slat, then …
  • clamp the extendable hook over the slat.
  • stick the extendable hook to the slat with adhesive tape.
The carpenter’s pencil
The tip of a carpenter’s pencil is rectangular. Due to this shape, the tip of the pencil does not break so quickly.
How do you use a pencil?
You can sharpen an ordinary pencil with a sharpener.
Sharpen a carpenter’s pencil with a sharp knife or sharp chisel.
Below is an explanation of how to sharpen a carpenter’s pencil with a sharp knife.
How do you use the square?
You place the beam (the thick part of the square) against the wood. Draw the line along the top of the leaf (the thin part of the square).
  1. What is another name for a snag?
  2. Circle the correct answer.
  3. Clevis.
  4. Straight hook.
  5. What does angled mean?
Circle the correct answer.
  1. 45o
  2. 90o
  3. 180o
Circle the correct answer.
The bar of a square stands:
  1. Straight.
  2. Oblique.
2.5 The handsaw
What can you do with a handsaw?
With a hand saw you can cut wood into two pieces.
What does a handsaw look like?

The handsaw

There are large and small handsaws. You use the large hand saw for coarser sawing, such as sawing through thick beams. You use the small hand saw for fine and precise sawing, such as sawing through small slats.
How do you use a handsaw?

Make sure you hold the handsaw as shown in the drawing below. Do not put your index finger through the hole in the handle, but put it on top. This allows you to steer the saw better and you will be able to cut straight better.
  1. First, mark the cutting line on the wood.
  2. Then place the handsaw exactly along the line. Make sure you put the saw on the right side of the line. Place the saw on the side you no longer need after cutting.
  3. Gently push the thumb of your free hand against the handsaw. This is how you guide the saw.
  4. Slowly bring the hand saw towards you alone. This creates a piece of saw cut.
  5. Then remove your free hand from the handsaw and saw through the wood.
  6. Try to saw slowly and do not use too much force.
Note: stand directly behind your workpiece. Otherwise you will not be able to saw a straight line.

Uee your thumb for more guidance
What do you use a large handsaw for?
For fine sawing work.
b. For coarse sawing work.
c. For cutting metal.
Are you sawing on the line or right along it?
a. You saw on the line.
b. You saw exactly along the line.
2.6 The miter saw
What can you do with a hacksaw?
With a miter saw you can perform very fine and precise sawing.
What does a chop saw look like?

The saw blade of a miter saw is much thinner than that of a handsaw.
That is why there is a hood on top of the saw. This hood strengthens the saw. The teeth of a miter saw are very small. To protect these little teeth, you can put a plastic strip around them.
How do you use a chop saw?
  1. First, mark the cutting line on the wood.
  2. Place the wood on a saw board.
  3. Then place the miter saw exactly along the line. Make sure you put the saw on the right side of the line.
  4. Place the saw on the side you no longer need after cutting.
  5. Gently push the thumb of your free hand against the miter saw.
  6. Slowly bring the miter saw towards you alone. This creates a piece of saw cut.
  7. Then remove your free hand from the miter saw and saw through the wood.
  8. Try to saw slowly and do not use too much force.
Note: stand directly behind your workpiece. Otherwise you will not be able to saw a straight line.
  1. Clamp the workpiece to the workbench.
  2. Grab the handle of the chisel with your right hand.
  3. Use your left hand to guide the chisel.
  4. Do not remove too large pieces of wood in one go.
  5. Use your shoulder to apply extra pressure.
If the going gets tough, you can also use a wooden mallet.
  1. Clamp the workpiece to the workbench.
  2. Then grab the handle of the chisel with your left hand.
  3. Tap the back of the handle with the mallet.
  4. Place a board under your workpiece.
  5. This way you prevent the workbench from being damaged.


When using a chisel there are 2 rules to follow:

  1. Always keep your left hand behind the chisel.
  2. Always stab away from your body.


How do you put a chisel away?

  1. Set the chisel aside with the fold underneath. So basically putting it ‘upside down’.
  2. To protect the fold of the chisel, you can put a protective cap on it.


2.8 The chisel
What can you do with a chisel?
With a chopping chisel you can cut a hole in the wood. For example, the hole for a mortise and tenon joint.
What does a chisel look like?

How do you use a chisel?
  1. Clamp the workpiece to the workbench.
  2. Grab the chisel handle with your right hand.
  3. Use your left hand to guide the chisel.


If the going gets tough, you can also use a wooden mallet.
Clamp the workpiece to the workbench.
  1. Then grab the handle of the chisel with your left hand.
  2. Tap the back of the handle with the mallet.
  3. Place a board under your workpiece.
  4. This way you prevent the workbench from being damaged.
When using a chisel there are 2 rules to follow:
  1. Always keep your left hand behind the chisel.
  2. Always stab away from your body.



Finish the sentence:


With a chopping chisel you can chop a …………………….. into the wood.


What can you hit the chisel with?

Circle the correct answer.

  1. With a metal hammer.
  2. With a wooden hammer.
A claw hammer has a wooden or metal handle. The head is made of metal and has a claw at the back.
How do you use a hammer?
You can drive large nails into the wood with a claw hammer. You always hammer a nail into the wood slightly at an angle.


  1. Hold the hammer at the back of the handle. Hold the nail with your other hand.
  2. First hammer the nail into the wood with a few small taps. When the nail is firmly in the wood, you can release the nail.
  3. Then you can hit harder to drive the nail further into the wood. Be careful not to bend the nail.
How do you use a claw hammer to pull out a nail?


  1. Place the claw around the nail.
  2. Roll the hammer over the wood and pull the nail out of the wood.


Always place a thin plate between the claw hammer and the workpiece. This will not damage the wood.
How do you protect the wood if you want to remove a nail from the wood with a claw hammer?
2.11 The mallet
What can you do with a wooden hammer?
You use a wooden hammer to assemble your workpiece. You can also use a mallet with a chisel when chopping holes.
What does a wooden mallet look like?

The wooden hammer has a wooden head. The head is square or round. You damage the workpiece less quickly with the wooden hammer than with a steel hammer.
How do you use a mallet?
Tap the parts together with the hammer. Don’t hit too hard. Otherwise you will damage the wood.
What shape is the head of a mallet? ……………………………………………. …………………………………….
2.12 The slicer
What can you do with a slicer?
With a slicer you can slice a thin layer of the wood. This thin layer usually curls up and is therefore called a curl.
What does a slicer look like?

A slicer has a steel sole. Front and rear handles are mounted on it. At the bottom of the sole is an opening through which the chisel protrudes. You can adjust the chisel coarse or fine with an adjusting wheel. If you are unable to set up your slicer properly, you can always ask your teacher.
How do you use a slicer?


  1. Make sure the wood is clamped securely.
  2. Make sure you are behind the wood.
  3. Stand tall, with your legs slightly apart.
  4. Hold the handle with one hand. With this hand you push the plane forward.
  5. With your other hand, hold the button on the front. With this hand you steer the slicer.
  6. Place the slicer on the wood and push it forward over the wood.
  7. Lift the planer off the wood when you retrieve it.
  8. Always put a slicer on its side.


Do you have to clamp the wood when you plan it?

Circle the correct answer.

  • Yes.
  • No.


How can you fine tune the chisel?

Circle the correct answer.

  1. With a hammer.
  2. With a screwdriver.
  3. With special pliers.
  4. With an adjusting wheel.


How do you put a plane away? …………………………………………………………………………………