Tasty recipes for butter & sauces!

Tasty recipes for butter & sauces!

Herb butter is a simple recipe, easy to make and you will enjoy it for a long time!

Mayonnaise is a simple sauce that probably everyone has eaten. But do you know how it is made and what ingredients are in it? That is explained in this video.

Once you’ve made stock (such as the stock from the French recipes article), you can cook it in different thicknesses. You can then use this in many different recipes, such as sauces, ragout, soup, croquettes or pâté. A fumet is a further reduced broth, which makes it taste even stronger and you need to use less of it in other dishes. A glacé means that a broth is reduced in such a way that a viscous substance remains. You can use this as a sauce or as a marinade.

Homemade mayonaise! Ingredients:
  • 1 egg Vinegar
  • Mustard Pepper and salt
  • 150 ml corn oil
  • Vnaigrette (dressing)

Hollandaise sauce Ingredients:
  • Eggs
  • Butter
  • Pepper and salt
  • Lemon
  • White wine vinegar