OPTIMIST: You have a creative learning style

OPTIMIST: You have a creative learning style

You prefer to learn by watching others and using your imagination. By looking closely at the course material, other people, or a problem, you find out how something works. You mainly rely on your feelings and give free rein to your imagination. You like to brainstorm about learning material and are very creative. You like clarity: in order to learn something, the learning material must be concrete and clear for you. Your learning style has great advantages. Because you observe so well, you see many different aspects of the learning material or a problem. Moreover, you often come up with very original ideas that others had never thought of.

Your motto is:
Give your imagination space!

Tip: If you rely on the creative learning style in all situations, you can run into problems. For example, in situations where you have to work with your hands or be active right away. Then try to relax for a while. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and improvise. You will discover that ‘doing’ is more fun than you think.