Learn more about transport/logistics

What you need to know if you want to work in the transport or logistics sector.


Key features
If you want to work in the transport sector, you might think about driver work or being behind the wheel in another way. But also consider the logistics sector. In that sector you can, for example, become an order picker/logistics employee or forklift driver. Then you work in a warehouse or distribution center and you are responsible for preparing and gathering orders. The order picker is also involved in receiving, storing and preparing goods for shipment.

Important characteristics of a driver are:
  1. Be on time and keep a close eye on the time
  2. Like to be on the road
  3. Be able to navigate well
  4. Able to work independently
  5. (Sometimes) being away from home for a long time
  6. Can roll up your sleeves
  7. To be flexible



Occupations in transport/logistics
The following professions are conceivable in the transport and logistics sector:
  • truck driver logistics
  • employee / order picker
  • forklift driver
  • cab driver
  • train operator
  • skipper
  • sailor
  • bicycle courier

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