Federal Public Service Justice, Directorate-General EPI (Penitentiary Institutions)

Federal Public Service Justice, Directorate-General EPI (Penitentiary Institutions)

The Directorate-General for Penitentiary Institutions (EPI), as part of the FPS Justice, is responsible for the execution of sentences and measures involving deprivation of liberty. In doing so, the DG strictly respects legality, guarantees the protection of society, staff and detainees with an eye for human dignity and works in a restorative manner. The DirectorateGeneral provides advice at the penitentiary level on the basis of its expertise.

The Directorate-General EPI consists of a central administration and field services comprising all 34 prisons. The prisons are responsible for implementing custodial sentences and measures. In particular, the central board is responsible for the control and supervision of the individual files of the detainees and personnel management. The IT service is also centrally controlled but always with local IT people in the prisons.

In addition to the IT service, there is the Digitization Detention service, in which the digitization of the life of the detainee is central. A digital link between society and the institution can ensure that the detainee can better adapt to or continue to connect with the digitization that we all notice in daily life during the detention period. Just think of different apps on the tablet, e-banking, webshops.

If you’d like to learn more about the Directorate-General for Penitentiary Institutions (EPI) you can click here: justitie.belgium.be