Eduvier – de Stedenschool

Eduvier – de Stedenschool

The Stedenschool is part of the Eduvier Education Group foundation. Eduvier provides special education in a cluster of schools in the province of Flevoland (from practical education to VWO) The Stedenschool provides education in the youth prison in Lelystad, part of Pluryn. In this prison, youngsters between the ages of 15 and 26 are treated during their period of detention. The duration of this detention period can vary from a few days to 7 years. The average length of stay is currently plus minus 3 years. The detainees are divided among the different living groups. This distribution is partly determined by their age, disorder, IQ and crime committed.

The sex offenders are treated in a separate department and follow an educational program within the regular schedules. Youngsters who are placed in the JJI Lelystad automatically get a place at the Stedenschool and naturally go to school, regardless of whether they are obliged to attend school or not, education is part of the day program. At school we strive to further develop the talents of the students or to connect them to the education they followed outside the JJI, with the aim of increasing their chances of finding a suitable job or further education and an acceptable place in society. The employees of the Stedenschool conduct a lot of consultation with the care providers of the JJI Lelystad. Pluryn and the staff of the Stedenschool work closely together in guiding the student, for this perspective plan discussions, student discussions and mentoring conversations are used.

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