6 Tips for working in the catering industry

6 Tips for working in the catering industry

Tip 1: Make sure the terrace, restaurant or café looks neat. Make sure everything is tidy and cleaned for the new guests.
Tip 2: Make eye contact with the guests. Eye contact gives people the impression that you like them and that you will help them as soon as possible.
Tip 3: Always be friendly and polite to guests. Even if the guests are not so polite to you. Always try to stay calm and if you can’t, get a colleague involved.
Tip 4: Provide fast operation. This way, guests do not have to wait long for their order and they will also be a lot friendlier.
Tip 5: Let your colleagues inform you about the rules in the restaurant. Also study the menu carefully so that you know what you are serving.
Tip 6: Pay attention to the details. Make sure that the plates are neatly set, the glasses are not dirty, everyone receives the right drink and that you remain friendly at all times.
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